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Detail Book

The River Warrior

Author :
Tyas Widjati Illustrator : Heru Setiawan

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
32 pages

Dimensions :

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :


The Brantas River was polluted, with trash floating everywhere and the water smelling bad due to waste from a nearby paper factory. Prigi and his father wanted to clean the river and restore its natural beauty. Despite facing numerous challenges and threats, they persisted in their efforts to protect the river. Prigi studied biology and ancient methods of river protection, led protests, conducted research, and eventually involved the government and community to enforce stricter pollution controls. Through determination and community involvement, Prigi became known as "The River Warrior."

The River Warrior
The River Warrior
The River Warrior
The River Warrior
The River Warrior